The Annual Wisconsin National Guard WNGEA/WINGA Combined Conference will be 26-28 April 2019 at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Green Bay, WI. We are looking forward to another successful Combined Association Conference. This years Conference is being...
Ross Baker
Call Us at 815-555-5555 to get started today!
Planning is well underway for the 2019 State Conference!
New at this year’s state conference: Professional Development!
You've been asking for it, and WNGEA has delivered: Professional Development for high energy Airmen and Soldiers! We have several great VIP speakers booked, covering topics including Military Leadership, Tools for your Leader Toolbox, Mentoring, and...
Reduced Lifetime Memberships
In January, the WNGEA Executive Council authorized a reduction in the lifetime membership dues - for this year only! Wisconsin National Guard members can now receive a lifetime WNGEA membership for the low price of $220. This compares to just five years of dues as an...
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