Bylaws of the
Wisconsin National Guard Enlisted Association
Effective: 1 May 2018
The Wisconsin National Guard Enlisted Association is established and organized to promote and support state and national security; to foster and improve the Wisconsin National Guard, and the National Guard of the United States, and to promote the status, welfare and professionalism of the enlisted members of the Wisconsin National Guard through education, publications, and the exchange of ideas and information.
Section 1. Name – This organization shall be known as the Wisconsin National Guard Enlisted Association, Incorporated. Herein referred to as “The Association”.
Section 2. Variations in Name – The Association may also be know as and called
“WNGEA”, or “The Enlisted Association”.
Section 3. National Association Name – The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States shall be known as “EANGUS”.
ARTICLE II. Government and Organization
Section 1. In General – The laws of The Association shall consist of the Bylaws, Policy letters, and Motions.
(A). Bylaws – These bylaws are the general operating laws so the association remains consistent in the way it conducts business. The Executive Council must examine and recommend changes, additions and deletions to these Bylaws, keeping them current and updated. The Executive Council will put into effect all approved changes, additions and deletions to the Bylaws immediately. Effective publication date will be the first day of the month after an annual membership meeting. If no changes are made, the current bylaws will be reaffirmed under Old Business at the annual meeting with a new publication date.
(B). Policy Letters – Policy Letters are written to establish detailed instructions for a function, as established by the bylaws. Policy letters do not expire, but should be updated as functions change. All new functional managers or committee chairpersons should be given a copy of the current policy for that responsibility. All policy letters should be reviewed by each member of the Executive Committee at a change of leadership. The official policy book with a copy of all current policies will be kept in the association office. The Executive Director will inform all members of the Executive Committee of this requirement after each election or appointment.
(C). Motions – Motions passed at any official meeting are for a specific action, and are not permanent. All motions will have an automatic expiration after action has been completed, or after 365 days for long term motions. Motions for issues that need to continue from year to year will be put into a policy letter. Expired motions may be introduced by any member as new business at an official meeting for reconsideration.
Section 2. Affiliation – The Association is organized as a chapter of EANGUS, and under the Statutes of the State of Wisconsin governing associations.
Section 3. Organization – The Association is made up of various elected officers, appointed officers, functional managers, committees, and members at large.
(A). Elected Officers. – This group shall be called the Executive Committee, and consist of the following association positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Past President.
(B). Appointed Officers. – The president with approval of the Executive Council shall appoint this group. The following responsibilities will be appointed: Parliamentarian, Leader of Prayer, Historian, Retiree Liaison, Insurance Trust Liaison, and Conference Planning Liaison.
(C). Functional Managers. – A Functional Manager is one person managing one function. The president, with approval of the Executive Council shall appoint this group. The following responsibilities are single person functions and are recommended to have: Resolutions Manager, National Legislative Manager, State Legislative Manager, Publications Manager, Web Manager, Special Projects Manager, Bylaws Manager, Ways and Means Manager, Awards Manager and Corporate Partnership Manager. Each functional manager will develop and publish detailed operating instruction in a policy letter. The president has the authority to recommend the removal of any responsibility, or to add any new responsibility to support new or temporary conditions within the association mission. If a functional manager feels they need more help to perform their responsibility, the function can be changed to a committee with council approval.
(D). Committees. – A committee must have more than one person, headed by a chairperson, or two co-chairpersons. The president with approval of the Executive Council shall appoint this group. Committee chairs shall select their own committee members. Any activity that supports both the ARNG and ANG branches, shall be a committee with a representative from each branch, to include an activity, Unit, and command Representatives. The following responsibilities are recommended to be committees: Membership and Marketing Committee, Junior Enlisted Committee, Scholarship Committee. Each committee will develop and publish detailed operating instruction in a policy letter. The president has the authority to recommend the removal of any committee, or to add a new committee to support new or temporary conditions within the association mission. Temporary (Adhoc) committees expire automatically upon completion of the task, or after one year. If a committee chair feels they don’t need additional help to perform their responsibility, the committee chairperson can revert to a functional manager with council approval.
(E). Executive Council. – Shall be made up of all members of the Executive Committee, Appointed Officers, Functional Managers, and Committee Chairpersons
ARTICLE III. Membership
Section 1. In General – Membership in The Association shall consist of the following categories:
Section 2. Annual Member -. All Enlisted members of the Wisconsin National Guard may become annual members while serving in a federally recognized unit of the Wisconsin National Guard as traditional, Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Title 32, or Title 10 status, or have been honorably discharged as an Enlisted member of the National Guard of the United States, and pay annual dues in accordance with Annual membership dues policy. Annual members of the WNGEA will also become an annual member EANGUS.
Section 3. Life Member -. All Enlisted members of the Wisconsin National Guard eligible for annual membership may also become life members. Life members shall pay dues in advance, in accordance with life membership dues policy, and shall remain a lifetime member until the time of their death. Life members are paid up annual members. Life members of the WNGEA will also become a life member of EANGUS.
Section 4. Associate Member -. Any person not eligible to become an Annual member of the WNGEA may purchase an Associate membership, and pay dues in accordance with Associate membership dues policy. Associate members have no voting rights, and cannot hold an office on the Executive Council. Associate members of the WNGEA do not become associate members of EANGUS. This type of membership receives a subscription to The Association publication.
Section 5. Honorary Member – Any person not eligible to become an Annual member of the WNGEA can be nominated by any current member for an honorary membership. With the approval of the Executive Council the nominee may be granted an Honorary Membership. Nominees for consideration must be submitted in writing to the Executive Council with adequate justification how this individual has helped or performed a substantial service to the WNGEA or Wisconsin National Guard. The Honorary membership is for one year, and may be renewed annually with Executive Council approval, if individual is maintaining the substantial service. Honorary membership may be ended at any time with Executive Council direction. Honorary members of the WNGEA do not become honorary members of EANGUS. This type of membership receives a subscription to The Association publication.
Section 6. Corporate membership. – Any business or person that may wish to support the WNGEA financially, will be given a corporate membership. Corporate membership details will be published in a policy letter. At minimum, businesses or persons will receive a thank you certificate, along with a subscription to the Association publication. The name of the corporate member will be listed in each issue of the Association publication and on the website during their membership period. Corporate members cannot vote or hold office in The Association. Corporate memberships of the WNGEA do not become corporate members of EANGUS. The Executive Council may, after a review, refuse any corporate memberships if they feel it is in conflict with the best interests of the WNGEA or National Guard.
Section 7. Membership Management. – All memberships will be maintained in a database listing. Membership identification will be issued to all paid annual, life and associate members with the name of the member, type of membership, and the expiration date of their membership.
ARTICLE IV. Financial Management
Section 1. Dues. – The dues costs for each membership category shall be set by policy letter, adopted by the Executive Council, and approved by the membership at a membership meeting. Dues reductions need not wait for approved at a membership meeting, but can be implemented when the association is ready.
Section 2. Fiscal Management – The fiscal year of the WNGEA shall be the standard calendar year. The Treasurer and one additional Executive Committee member is authorized to sign checks. All financial transactions shall be documented with a voucher form explaining the expenditure, and maintained in appropriate functional files.
Section 3. Life Membership Dues. State portion funds received for life memberships will be put into the general financial fund.
Section 4. Recurring Payments For Services – Any service that is performed for The Association that incurs a recurring periodic payment will be established by policy letter to include required service description, amount or rate to be paid, the end date of the service, review procedures for continuing or ending, and any exclusions that would not be paid for.
Section 5. Audits – The financial records shall be audited on an annual basis, and at the change of a treasurer, in part or in entirety, as directed by the President or the Executive Council.
Section 6. Budget. An annual financial income and expense budget will be prepared and approved each year during the last quarter of the calendar year for the upcoming year. All adjustments to increase or decrease income or expense items must be approved by the Executive Council.
ARTICLE V. Elections and Leadership
Section 1. Elections of Officers. – Elections of officers shall be every other year on the even year, at an annual membership meeting. Special membership meetings may be scheduled for special elections as needed. Only annual and life members in good standing shall be allowed to vote. The following elected officer positions shall be selected: Vice President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. The current Vice President shall assume the Presidents position. The current president shall become the Immediate Past President. Elections shall be held by secret ballot. The president shall appoint an ad hoc Election Committee for the annual membership meeting that has the election of officers. The current President is not allowed to run for Vice President. The newly elected officers shall be sworn in at the conference banquet and assume their duties immediately. Nomination requirements for elected officers are, they must be an annual or life member.
Section 2. Appointments and Nominations of Officers. – The President shall appoint all non-elected officers, Functional Managers, and Committee Chairpersons as needed. If there are no nominations for the elected positions of Treasurer and Recording Secretary, the President may appoint a qualified member at large to fill those positions to fill the term. If there is no nomination for Vice President, the current President, Vice President and Immediate Past President may continue in their position until new elections can be held at a special membership meeting. All appointments must be approved by the Executive Council. If the current president or vice-president cannot, or will not fulfil the term of their election, any Past President can volunteer to fill that position for the remaining time of the term with approval of the Executive Council.
Section 3. Removal of Officer. – If any of the elected, appointed officers, functional managers, or committee chairpersons resign, drops out, becomes disqualified to hold office or membership, or is removed by Executive Council direction, the President shall appoint another member to replace that person.
Section 4. Powers and duties of elected officers and appointed officers. – Each officer whether elected or appointed has certain responsibilities. When elected or appointed, the person filling that position has the responsibility to complete the work as required.
(A). In General – All key officers, functional managers and committee chairpersons are required to prepare written reports for each executive council and annual meetings, and should prepare informational articles for The Association publication.
(B). Executive Committee – The president as committee chairperson may call the Executive Committee to assemble to discuss any item of importance that can not wait until the next Executive Council meeting. The subject and minutes of this meeting will be announced at the next Executive Council meeting.
(C). President – Acts as the chief executive officer of The Association. Presides over the daily business of The Association, meetings, and represents The Association in matters pertaining to the mission of The Association and welfare of its members. Enforces the observance of both the national and state association’s bylaws, and adopted policies of The Association. Appoints adhoc committees as needed. Assists and advises the elected officers, appointed officers, and functional managers activities. Assures people are appointed to all responsible appointed officer, functional management and committee chairperson positions. Attends National, Area and State meetings. Supervise the day-to-day activities of the Executive Director. The President does not vote, but in case of a tie, will cast the deciding vote to decide the issue.
(D). Vice President – Assists the president as needed in the day-to-day business of The Association. Takes over as The Association acting president in the absence of the president. Assists and advises the chairperson of each committee. Coordinates, and advises the Auxiliary on all WNGEA activities and related business. Attends National, Area, and State meetings. Responsible for conference planning if there is no Conference Planning Liaison appointed. Performs other duties as assigned.
(E). Treasurer – Responsible for financial management to The Association. Is responsible for the conduct of financial operations, payroll, taxes, budget, and accurate accounting for the association. The person holding this position must be bonded, or qualified for bonding at the discretion of the Executive Council. Specific duties of the treasurer include the recording the receipt of revenues as received from various sources. To ensure timely disbursements for authorized payments and obligations. To coordinate with Wis. National Guard Assn Insurance Trust, and Executive Director to insure adequate operational cash flow is available. To prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive Council. To manage all checking and savings accounts. To accurately account for all financial transactions. To accurately maintain the association financial records in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounted Principles. To maintain an inventory of all physical association assets. To maintain payroll records, making timely payroll payments, tax deposits, preparation and submission of required employer information reports. To prepare and submit the annual non-profit organization tax return (IRS Form 990). To provide tax preparation information to the Wis. National Guard Assn. Insurance Trust. To prepare and present periodic financial reports to the Executive Council, and membership. To provide financial guidance and advice regarding revenues, expenses, savings, taxes, and budget issues to better assist the association that it can provide the best service with available funds, and avoiding any penalties.
(F). Recording Secretary – Responsible to attend, and record full and accurate minutes of all meetings. Records verbatim all motions made and seconded, to include the names of persons making the motion and second, for the record. Collects The Association’s official documents and written reports as presented at meetings. Summarizes the meeting highlights into writing to include all written and verbal reports as given at meetings. Prepares the official copy of each meeting minutes, and sends them to each member of the Executive Council at least 30 days prior to the next meeting. Maintains a perpetual register of all motions made for a one-year period, and introduces expired motions at the next meeting under old business for reconsideration. Maintains the official accepted copy of The Association bylaws with all amendments. Maintains the official copy of all policy letters, and initiates the review process at an Executive Council meeting after an election of officers.
(G). Past President – The immediate past president is an advisor to the president and the Executive Council. The past president is welcome to accept any association responsibility on a voluntary basis.
(H). Parliamentarian – Responsible for maintaining the rule of order at each meeting. Is required to interrupt any discussion as needed to maintain a rule of order, explaining the correct process to use for continuing. Assures that members in attendance at annual and special meetings are given information on the rules of order and motions. This can be done in the conference booklet, or a handout at the meeting.
(I). Leader of Prayer – Responsible for a short prayer of remembrance or encouragement at the opening and closing of each annual or special membership meeting. Maintains a listing of all deceased WNGEA members, and insures they are recorded in the EANGUS Memorial Register each year. Responsible for the remembrance table, and ceremony at the annual conference president’s banquet.
(J). Historian – Responsible to collect all records, documents, and photos of historical importance to The Association. Maintains and protects all collected documents from being damaged or deterioration. Shall setup a display of historical items at each annual membership meeting.
(K). Retiree Liaison – To represent The Association on the Wisconsin National Guard Retiree’s Council and keep the council informed of WNGEA activities, actions and concerns. Also keeps the WNGEA membership informed on items of concern related to retirement.
(L). Insurance Trust Liaison – Represents the WNGEA on the Wisconsin National Guard Association Insurance Trust. Responsible to keep the Executive Council informed as to the current operation and changes in the Insurance Trust.
(M). Conference Planning Liaison. – Responsible to work with current year and future committed annual conference host units, keeping them informed of tasks that must be accomplished by the hosting unit, and what tasks will be completed by The Association. Maintains a task completion management system for each year host. Keeps and maintains the WNGEA Annual Conference Handbook. Works with new units that may be interested in hosting a future annual conference, helping them to decide if they want to become a future conference host. The Executive Council will become the conference host if no unit or group of units are scheduled to host the annual conference. The Conference Planning Liaison will then become the Conference Chairperson for that conference, soliciting Executive Council members to work in all needed sub-committees. If the conference is approved to be a joint conference with the WINGA, the Conference planning Liaison will represent the WNGEA interests for that conference with guidance from the Executive Council.
(N). Functional Managers – Each functional manager is responsible for their specific named function. Each manager should develop and maintain a handbook of procedures and processes they do, to make sure their function and The Association can continue on.
(O). Committee Chairpersons – Each committee chairperson is responsible for their specific function. Committee chairpersons are responsible to find and train the required representatives that are part of their committee. Each committee chairperson should develop and maintain a handbook of procedures and processes they do, to make sure their committee and The Association can continue on.
Section 5. Executive Director – The Executive Director shall be a paid employee of The Association, and shall be hired by the president with concurrence of the Executive Council. In the event a vacancy occurs, the President may fill the position temporarily, until a new Executive Director can be interviewed, approved, and hired. A policy letter shall establish the Executive Directors’ official position description, responsibilities, and pay scale. The Executive Director shall attend all Executive Committee, Executive Council, WNGEA Annual, and WNGEA Special Membership meetings as an advisor, but cannot vote on issues. The Executive Director shall attend Area V Caucuses and EANGUS annual conferences if the budget can support attendance. The Executive Director is available to provide council and guidance to any Executive Council member, to advise or help them with their responsibilities.
ARTICLE VI. Educational Meetings
Section 1. Quarterly Meetings – The Association shall schedule an Executive Council educational meeting during the first month of each calendar quarter. Quarterly meetings may be held in physical locations, or by using electronic media if and when the association is setup to use electronic media.
Section 2. Annual Membership Meeting – The Association shall schedule and conduct an annual membership and educational conference to achieve Association business such as committee and functional area reports and briefings, elections; approve resolutions for the year and to provide and approve direction to The Association for the future. Policy letter will set the timing of the annual membership meeting.
Section 3. Special Membership Meeting – The president may call special meetings with the concurrence of the executive council. They may also be called by the membership through a signature petition consisting of twenty percent (20%) or more of the total membership, and submitted to the executive council. The petition must state the said purpose of the meeting.
Section 4. Meeting Notifications – The recording secretary shall cause written notice to all members, notifying them of such meeting or conference at least sixty (60) days before the date of any annual membership conference, and at least thirty (30) days before the date of any special membership, or executive council meeting.
Section 5. Voting at Meetings. – Each member of the Executive Council at an Executive Council meeting shall have one vote per issue. Each member in the chamber at an annual or special meeting shall have one vote per issue. There are no proxy votes allowed. Only paid annual and life members in good standing are allowed to vote.
Section 6. Meeting Agenda Items – The following agenda items will be included in all meetings:
(A). Opening patriotic recognition.
(B). Roll Call (Annual Membership Meeting only)
(C). Approval of previous meeting minutes.
(D). Treasurers Report
(E). Membership Accounting Report
(F). Officers, Functional Managers, Committees and Executive Director Reports.
(G). Old Business
(H). New Business
(I). Adjournment
(J). Closing patriotic ceremony (Annual Membership meeting only).
Section 7. Parliamentary Procedure – Except as otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, all meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 8. Meeting Quorum. – There are no quorums established for any WNGEA meeting, but there must be at minimum of two elected officers and any other members of the Executive Council in attendance to conduct business.
ARTICLE VII. Amendments
Section 1. Changing Bylaws – These Bylaws may be repealed, modified, altered or amended, or new Bylaws may be adopted by the affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of those present, and voting at the annual conference or special meeting. The membership must be given at least thirty (30) days written notice of any proposed amendments with content, prior to a vote.
Section 2. Change Process – The author of any suggested change must provide their recommendations in writing, with reasoning why the change should be made. Changes must be in the hands of the executive council no later than the October Executive Council meeting. Changes introduced on the floor at a membership meeting must be approved by a 100 percent approval vote.
Download a copy of the bylaws: