Attached is the guidance from the EANGUS Resolutions Chair for submitting 2022 Resolutions. A fillable form for submitting 2022 Resolutions is also attached. The suspense for EANGUS Resolutions at the State Level is 1 May 2020. My Suspense to our Area V Resolutions Chair is 15 May.
Forward Resolutions Forms to WNGEA, 2400 Wright Street, Madison, WI 53704 by the suspense date of 1 May.
2022 EANGUS Resolutions Form
Resolutions SOP
EANGUS Resolutions State Submittal Form
Listed below is the 2109 Report of the EANGUS Committee on Resolutions. This Report was approved at the EANGUS National Conference at the 2019 Annual Business meeting in Des Moines, IA.
EANGUS Resolutions Report (Click to review each Resolution)
NR19-01 Military Skills Credit Impact on Satisfactory Academic Progress OH
NR19-02 Insurance to match Retiree Pay Age OH
NR19-03 Language Change in Post 9/11 GI Bill OH
NR19-04 Tax Credit for Employers who have National Guard Soldiers currently deployed and/or on State Active Duty Orders. OH
NR19-05 Two Year Military Budget OH
NR19-06 Increase in FSGLI coverage for dependent children. SD
NR19-07 Transfer eligibility of Post 911 GI Bill. SD
NR19-08 TriCare Retired Reserve rate re-evaluation for grey area retiree’s. SD
NR19-09 Tricare for Retirees KY
NR19-10 Decrease requirements for reserve component KY
NR19-11 Safe Haven (ARNG/ANG) Entitlement and Eligibility FL
NR19-12 Retirement Points for State Active Duty (SAD) WV
NR19-13 DSG Maternity Leave WI
NR19-14 Veterans Preference Points WI
NR19-15 Expanding the Military Student Identifier (MSI) in the “Every Student Succeeds Act” MN
NR19-16 Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) status while eligible for TRICARE due to mobilization orders MN
NR19-17 Reserve Component Service Member Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Improvement Act MN
NR19-18 Burn Pit Accountability MN
NR19-19 Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need (HAVEN) Act MN
NR19-20 VA Overpayments MN
NR19-21 Chiropractic Care in Tricare MN
NR19-22 Space-A travel MN
NR19-23 Amending 10 USC 1209, section 12304b MN
NR19-24 Direct Pay for Tricare Reserve Select MN
NR19-25 Health Care Benefit Enhancement MN
NR19-26 GRAP Investigation Oversight IL
NR19-27 GAP Insurance LA
NR19-28 Support of the structure and equipment issues that are endorsed by the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) and the Adjutants General Association of the United States (AGAUS)
EANGUS Resolutions Committee
NR19-29 EANGUS appreciation of Des Moines, Iowa The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Iowa and Auxiliary
EANGUS Resolutions Committee
Listed below is the 2108 Report of the EANGUS Committee on Resolutions. This Report was approved at the EANGUS National Conference at the 2018 Annual Business meeting in Charleston, WV.
2018 Resolutions Report (Click to review each Resolution)
2018 Table of Contents
NR18-01 Eligibility for CONUS Cost -of-Living Allowance (COLA) for National Guard Enlisted Soldiers and Airmen Assigned to a Permanent Duty Station in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area (DC053) Area II, NGB T-10 Chapter
NR18-02 Dual-Status Technician Maternity & Paternity Leave SD
NR18-03 Mothers of Military Service Leave Act SD
NR18-04 Recoupment or Termination of incentives after receiving Technician or AGR positions SD
NR18-05 Concurrent Receipt of Federal Tuition Assistance (TA) and MGIB SD
NR18-06 Allow Bonus Incentives for All National Guard Service Members SD
NR18-07 Allow National Guard Airmen to receive education benefits comparable to National Guard Soldiers SD
NR18-08 Technician re-enlistment incentive eligibility SD
NR18-09 AGR re-enlistment incentive eligibility SD
NR18-10 Tricare gap Government shutdown coverage UT
NR18-11 Assistance to Air Guardsmen Completing Application for Retirement WY
NR18-12 Decentralization of Air National Guard Funding for Recruiting Advertising WY
NR18-13 ANG Tuition Assistance Equality MT
NR18-14 Pilot Program for a combined Department of Defense (DoD) University KS
NR18-15 Implementing Space-A for National Guardsmen, Reservists, “Gray Area” Retirees and their Dependents, and Eligible Surviving Spouses and their Depend HI
NR18-16 Amend Veterans Opportunity to Work Act National Guard Requirements IA
NR18-17 Support of the structure and equipment issues that are endorsed by the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) and the Adjutants General Association of the United States (AGAUS). EANGUS Resolutions Committee
NR18-18 EANGUS appreciation of Charleston, West Virginia, the West Virginia Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States and Auxiliary EANGUS Resolutions Committee
WNGEA Past Legislation
ASSEMBLY BILL 202 LC Act Memo | LC Amendment Memo
An Act relating to: Special distinguishing registration plates for groups that are military in nature and making an appropriation. (FE)
Enacted into State Law: 2 July 2006
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None
An Act relating to: the powers and duties of the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans assistance, educational programs, burials, cemeteries, homes, housing loans, memorials, and museums, the employment rights and benefits available to persons who are in or who return from military service, the Educational Approval Board, granting rule-making authority, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing penalties.
Enacted into State Law: 21 July 2006
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None
An Act relating to: college reenrollment of persons called into active military service.
Enacted into State Law: 21 July 2006
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None
An Act relating to: reporting to school districts of attendance in the Youth Challenge program (suggested as remedial language by the Department of Military Affairs).
Enacted into State Law: 30 May 2006
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None
An Act relating to: college reenrollment and registration priority of persons called into active military service.
Enacted into State Law: 29 May 2006
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None
An Act relating to: membership of the State Laboratory of Hygiene Board; nonresident tuition exemption for veterans; and the transfer program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (suggested as remedial legislation by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System).
Enacted into State Law: 10 May 2006
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None
SENATE BILL 613 LC Act Memo | LC Amendment Memo
An Act relating to: the transfer of funds to the veterans trust fund, exempting certain veterans from tuition and fees at the University of Wisconsin System and at technical colleges, eligibility for tuition fee remissions of unremarried surviving spouses and children of certain deceased veterans, information technology server and network infrastructure staff in the Department of Veterans Affairs, and making an appropriation. (FE)
Enacted into State Law: 29 May 2006
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None
ASSEMBLY BILL 399 LC Act Memo | LC Amendment Memo
An Act relating to: the involvement of military base commanders with local zoning entities; creating a council on military and state relations; and requiring a seller of real property to disclose its proximity to the boundaries of a military installation. (FE)
Enacted into State Law: 29 July 2005
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None
An Act relating to: expanding eligibility for the veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit. (FE)
Enacted into State Law: 21 December 2005
Benefits Derived:
Sun-Set or Expiration Date: None