Executive Council Members

2013_coker President – Roberta Coker        

Acts as the Chief Executive Officer of The Association. Presides over the daily business of The Association, meetings, and represents the Association in matters pertaining to the mission of the Association and welfare of its members.  Enforces the observance of both the national and state association’s bylaws and adopted policies of the Association.  Assists and advises the elected officers, appointed officers and functional managers activities.   Attends National, Area and State meetings.  Supervise the day to day activities of the Executive Director.

Vice President – Libby Schmiedlin     

Assists the president as needed in the day to day business of the Association. Takes over as the Association acting president in the absence of the president. Assists and advises the chairperson of each committee.  Coordinates and advises the Auxiliary on all WNGEA activities and related business.  Attends National, Area, and State meetings.  Responsible for conference panning if there is no Conference Planning Liaison appointed.

hans Executive Director & Treasurer – Gary R. Hans

The Executive Director is responsible for the management of the WNGEA Office to include filing of official records, historical records, and special or legislative project files.   Makes distribution of committee reports and official minutes as needed.  Attends National, Area, and State meeting, coordinates the needs of the attendees, committees and delegates as an advisor.

The Treasurer is responsible for financial management to The Association. Is responsible for the conduct of financial operations, payroll, taxes, budget, and accurate accounting for the association. Specific duties of the treasurer include the recording the receipt of revenues as received from various sources.  Ensures timely disbursements for authorized payments and obligations.

Secretary – Rhonda Martinson


Responsible to attend, and record full and accurate minutes of all meetings. Records verbatim all motions made and seconded for the record. Collects The Association’s official documents and written reports as presented at meetings. Summarizes the meeting highlights into writing to include all written and verbal reports. Prepares the official copy of each meeting minutes, and sends them to each member of the Executive Council prior to the next meeting. Maintains a perpetual register of all motions made for a one-year period, and introduces expired motions at the next meeting under old business for reconsideration.


Chaplain – Stephen Berry


Responsible for a short prayer of remembrance or encouragement at the opening and closing of each annual or special membership meeting. Maintains a listing of all deceased WNGEA members, and insures they are recorded in the EANGUS Memorial Register each year. Responsible for the remembrance table, and ceremony at the annual conference president’s banquet.

Parliamentarian – Sidney Traxler


Responsible for maintaining the rule of order at each meeting. Is required to interrupt any discussion as needed to maintain a rule of order, explaining the correct process to use for continuing. Assures that members in attendance at annual and special meetings are given information on the rules of order and motions.


Historian – David Coker


Responsible to collect all records, documents, and photos of historical importance to The Association. Maintains and protects all collected documents from being damaged or deterioration. Maintains the chronological summary of historical events on the Web Site.

Retiree Liaison – Gary R. Hans


Represents The Association on the Wisconsin National Guard Retiree’s Council and keep the council informed of WNGEA activities, actions and concerns. Also keeps the WNGEA membership informed on items of concern related to retirement.


koehler SSLI Trust Liaison – Lowell Koehler


Represents the WNGEA on the Wisconsin National Guard Association Insurance Trust. Responsible to keep the Executive Council informed as to the current operation and changes in the Insurance Trust.